Getting to know Cooking from the cupboards

Getting to Know Cooking from the Cupboards

Heather's Culinary Journey

Well, hello there, my name is Heather. Some days on the videos may say my name and other days I may not. I have been cooking for over 45 years, and I have been married for 35 years at the time of writing this. I started cooking when I was 10 years old.

I have been collecting cookbooks and recipe cards for well over 35 years. I have a large collection and just want to share not only vintage recipes, which are at least 20 years old up to 99 years old; to even more modern or current recipes that are less than 20 years old. I do have some antique recipes and cookbooks. I may share a few of those as well.

I also do home preservation, including both water bath and pressure canning. I am a science-based canner and follow the guidelines and approved methods. I do not rebel can.

I also dehydrate foods, having taught classes over 20 years ago on how to safely dehydrate foods and how to use them in recipes and meals. I still have handouts from the classes I conducted so long ago.

Recently, I acquired a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer and have embarked on the journey of freeze drying foods and incorporating them into my kitchen.

I hold a college degree in nutrition and have worked on and off in the workforce over the years. I have taught classes on nutrition and have been a paid speaker at conferences related to food and nutrition. Although I am mostly a stay-at-home mom and wife, my children are now grown.

Join me as I share my passion for cooking, preservation, and nutrition through my extensive experience and cherished collections. Together, let's explore the art of culinary delight from the cupboards.

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