Today I want to talk about the Pantry challenge for 2025, that starts on Jan 1.
The Pantry Challenge is hosted by three rivers homestead on you tube.
Here is my video that was posted on You tube. Where I talk about the Pantry Challenge 2025.
I am planning on participating in the challenge from my home and the rules are open to how anyone wants to follow them. You do what is best for you and your family. The goal is to use food you have in your pantry, freezers etc and not just run to the store. On that note I will still get fresh fruits and vegetables, but only when things are on sale and only buy what is in season for this time of year. I am looking forward to using what I have and maybe clean out some space for later on when I find a really good sale on something. I am running out of room and need to use some of the food I have put back.
I Generally only cook from my cupboards or pantry and mostly buy consumables, ie dairy, fresh fruit and veg etc. I do not shop weekly for the food we are going to eat that week. I buy things we only use and try to buy them on sale or the best price for the quality I want for my family and put back in my freezers, or on my shelves. I am an ingredient type person, so I buy the single form of something so I can make it into whatever I need to. I buy mostly staples that go into a pantry.
How I am preparing for the Pantry challenge. I am refilling my canisters and spice jars in kitchen, and taking a general inventory of what food I have. Making a basic meal plan and be creative and not fall into old ways of just running to the store when you run out of something, or order in food. Now everyone's pantry is different, everyone's family is different. Some people can do the two months for the challenge, and some only can do a week. The goal is to try and see what are the real needs for your pantry, family and how you use the food to feed your family.
I am going through my cookbooks and using them to plan our meals. I have a small household of 3 people and they are all adults and can fix food for themselves. I generally only cook dinner every night. Breakfast is generally eggs and what have you. And Lunch is left overs or sandwiches. Dinner is the only meal I cook daily. On Sundays we do prep breakfast foods for the week.
I will show what we cook eat each night for dinner. I would really like to show recipes of the basic foods everyone has in there pantry, in general. Trying find a new way to use them, that maybe I or you have not thought of before. That is what I will be focusing on for this challenge. Is picking foods that need to be used in my pantry and finding new recipes or ways to use them.
Finding recipes for the food that you have is the fun and exciting thing about cooking and feeding your family. We all have favorite foods, and want to eat this or that. Sometimes finding a new food or dish that everyone like is the best and fun thing anyone can do.
Thanks for Stopping by see you on the next post.
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